
A Language Lover’s Honest Review of Duolingo

Here’s an honest review that breaks down the pros and cons, and why Duolingo is a great tool for language lovers.

A Language Lover's Honest Review of Duolingo

Named Apple's App of the Year and free to use, Duolingo is a popular way to learn languages

Speaking foreign languages is no doubt a huge advantage, enabling you to communicate with more people, express yourself in more ways, and think about the world with more cultural empathy. However, unless you were lucky enough to grow up in a multilingual household or started learning other languages at a very young age, language acquisition might not come as easily once you are older. But not all hope is lost: cue Duolingo, the free app that claims to make language learning quick and fun. Here’s an honest review that breaks down the pros and cons, and why Duolingo is a great tool for language lovers.


Wide selection of languages. With over 30 language courses for English speakers and more in development, Duolingo can help both with widely spoken languages and less popular ones too.

Thematic and organized. The layout of the app exhibits excellent design, as it is visually appealing and easy to navigate. The vocabulary topics are also organized by themes which makes it easier to learn.

Variety of exercises. From translating, matching, speaking, and constructing sentences, Duolingo engages your language skills in different ways to keep things interesting.

Motivation and reminders. Duolingo understands that the most important thing in mastering any skill is focus and consistency. The app allows you to set personal goals and sends you reminders to make sure that you are on track.


Grammar is limited. Even though being understood in a language is way more important than always being grammatically correct, grammar is difficult to learn on the app. Access the desktop version for more in-depth explanations.

Lacks conversational practice. Often, Duolingo uses methods like direct reading or translation. This doesn’t give learners a chance to process their own ideas/responses to put it into words.

Final thoughts:


Like any skill, there is no way to cut corners or get fast results that last. Especially with language study, hard work and motivation are absolutely necessary. That being said, Duolingo is a great tool to supplement language practice, and it is especially great for introducing new, useful vocabulary. For the best language learning experience, it could be used along with listening to foreign music, watching foreign movies/shows/youtube, reading, and conversing. 

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